Information about healing springs from Turčianske Teplice

The main mineral spring (TJ-20A)
It is situated between Folk Pool and Red Pool. It is currently the most commonly used spring in Turčianske Teplice. It was drilled in 1966 and built-in in 1969. The original depth was 97 m. The mineral water is also used for balneotherapeutic purposes in Veľká Fatra spa house, in Emerald Pool and for hydrotherapy and baths.
Capacity – 7 l/s. Water temperature - 47 °C

Royal Pool
Originally called the Blue Pool, it is an absolute rarity in the Slovak spa industry with a permanently active piscina.
The spring is situated in the premises of the spa. It has a form of a piscina with a grate bottom. It is used for bathing. When in operation, the pool is emptied and refiled every day in the afternoon. When filled-up, the excess water is discharged by a spillway.
Daily water surface fluctuation is 1.2 m.
Capacity – 0.74 l/s. Water temperature - 38°C.
The Pool has been reconstructed recently to offer a high standard. It is situated in the Royal Palace *****.

Red Pool
- Relaxation hip-bath
- Directly in the piscina with a grate bottom
The spring is situated in the building of SPA & AQUAPARK. 100% thermal healing mineral water is used in the pool.
Daily water surface fluctuation is 1.2 m.
Capacity – 4 l/s. Water temperature - 38 °C.
The spring is situated in the building of SPA & AQUAPARK.

Folk Pool
- Treatment and rehabilitation pool
- Directly on natural springs – i.e. water springs directly under the bottom of the pool (piscina).
100% thermal mineral healing mineral water is used in the pool for bathing.
Daily water surface fluctuation is 1.2 m.
Capacity – 4 l/s. Water temperature - 33 °C.
The spring is situated in the building of SPA & AQUAPARK.

Drinking spring Kollár
It is situated in the premises of the spa. It was drilled in 1959 in depth of 34 m. In 1984 it was adjusted to the current form. Water flows from a stainless steel mouth with diameter of 133 mm surrounded with marble. Water is drunk through so-called drinking vase. Water temperature 43 - 45,2 °C. Capacity – 0.033 l/s.
Drinking spring Živena
The spring is situated in front of the entrance to the spa premises, in front of Veľká Fatra spa house. Water flows through metal pipes and flows out from four mouths into a stone drinking vase. There is yellow – white sediment at the bottom part of pipes. The 62.0 metre-deep well was drilled in 1965. Thermal water was found 52 metres deep and its temperature at the output is around 40 °C. It is used for drinking. The water is clear, warm and tastes like sulphur mineral water. Capacity – 0.033 l/s.
White Pool
The original piscina from 1966. The White Pool is not used at present and it will be reconstructed to become a part of wellness premises of Spa & AQUAPARK